May the time come soon
when the meek inherit the earth
when a human’s inner worth
is the gold currency of merit
earned in immutable deeds,
When leaders are no longer populist madmen
spawning propaganda from media pulpits
and the people their screaming puppets,
When the humble in colors of the earth
red, ochre, brown, and black
long oppressed for skin or place of birth
bloom forth in all possibilities
and ascend
to the thrones of power
held by those hardened
by self-interest and supremacy
turning them into seats of justice
where the rule of law is imbued with
the rule of love
where power is harnessed to service
and service to unity in diversity.
When people no longer need to migrate
because every spot on earth
will be home
an oasis for those who thirst
a haven for the weak and infirm
When the right to own guns
Is surpassed by the desire
to nurture life in all its forms
and acts of kindness are the measure of progress
When children are safe
from the womb to the classroom
and schoolgirls are not poisoned for
learning and speaking their minds
When women wear their hair
as birds their feathers
curly or straight, flying free
or covered by choice, proudly
When workers from fields to factories
are not reduced to ghosted existence
life-sentenced in the confines of scarcity
and bare subsistence
When a good economy no longer means
wealth is earned from the sweat of many
for the few to be remembered and rewarded
When all forms of slavery are abolished
like plagues against humanity.
And those who resist- lost to insanity.
When the “meek” will turn
the tides
of prejudice and war
into the calm and collaboration of peace
with the unifying forces of justice
May the meek remain meek
to uphold the world we seek
May the meek inherit the earth
as promised
Painting: Oil by Natalya Doudell.
